When Cancer Brings Chaos, Yoga Offers Resources For Calm

Just because life has lots of bumps to navigate, it doesn’t always mean the worst.

One of my vinyasa yoga students pulled me aside to share that she’s currently facing an extremely challenging time in her life that’s health related. It’s serious. She’s overwhelmed, feeling lost and scared. 


I believe that it’s important for you to understand that before, during and after any life crisis, if grounded with a simple, actionable process— you can face anything hard, and still enjoy life while it’s all happening. Though primarily for those facing cancer, my book will be relevant, and hopefully helpful for others when navigating any intense life event as well. Based on my own stage 2 breast cancer experience, I prescribe practical yoga for stress and mindset as my method for health, wellbeing and empowered self-care—

• Get as much info from the doctors as possible.
Ask questions and make them repeat the answers until you understand— enough.

• Make a pros/cons list if needed.

• Unapologetically consider who you are, as well as what you want + need for your life.

• What's most important is you’re being honest about how you're showing up for you and your health.

Why is yoga practical? How does yoga help?
There’s great relevance to being grounded and present within your own body.
Yoga helps us to achieve that and when we realize our selves. With it, we are better able to improve our connections for building our confidence— and healthy balance.

• Be you, and feel ALL the feels, (and you must address them). 
• Keep your stress down.
• Travel & explore.
• Live fully.

Mindfully speaking, the answers in our lives all radiate from the life practices that offer great benefit. When we become serious enough to GET GROUNDED within ourselves, yoga can help us to heal through direct efforts in building a healthy mindset.

As a result, you can reconnect to your body— and have a sweet reunion.

Teri Gandy-Richardson