Things to Know When Your Cancer Fears Are Freaking You Out

When you hear the words, YOU HAVE CANCER”, you know that you’ll never forget them, or the state of mind they put you in, when you did. If you’ve not had the displeasure of having those words pointed at you, and the rude awakening that it causes, you’d be right to guess that it’s traumatic.

Cancer wants us freaking out. When we are in a state of stress and chaos, it’s difficult for us to find calm and the resolve to advocate for ourselves, our health and our lives. Without a practice that helps us effectively cope, cancer wins.

I was lucky. Yoga, my practical yoga practice is what helped me face my top 3 fears, which were—

1- THAT I HAD CAUSED MY CANCER despite my efforts towards good health

2- UNCERTAINTY OF CHANGES in my health, abilities, lifestyle and connection to my life’s loves

3- DEATH, but what I realized was that…


Maybe your top cancer fears are the same as mine— or maybe they are not, (Fear of Recurrence would be my #4),
know that WE CAN—

• Use yoga to manage our freaking out and the hardships we face before, during + after cancer

• Strategize a practical yoga practice to support our immune system and nervous system towards managing the uncertainties and changes in our lives

• Shift our mindset to foster the character and resilience we build to effectively advocate for ourselves

Remember that
YOU ARE NOT— your cancer, or the hardships that you’ve faced in life.

YOU ARE— the resilience that just IS.

Stop freaking out and empower yourself by developing a practice that supports you when things get rough and keep you balanced when things are better.
You’re worth every minute.

Teri Gandy-Richardson