How to Organize Your Mindset and Plan for Self-Care

How is it that your day, your week, your month, or even your year has started and you're already feeling behind— less than calm, and maybe even a little bit fried?

If you're experiencing anxiety, feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the general stress that comes with living as the status quo, that doesn't have to be the case. You don't have to believe that something is wrong with you, or your management skills.

What if part of the real problem is that you've simply got too much on your plate?
What if by shifting your priority to putting yourself first, that you could feel less messy and better organized?

What if you could—

• DE CLUTTER your mind and strengthen your foundation by deepening your understanding of practice with relevance for ANY, and every situation you’ll face.

• RE-ALIGN with order, for less anxiety and more confidence on, and with refreshed purpose when off your yoga mat.

• ELEVATE your self-care and discovery when you understand how to improve your yoga practice.

Would you be motivated to make a few changes? And, how would you feel knowing that you didn't have to wait until you were able to get to, or establish your favorite yoga class to start using elements of Yoga to calm your nerves? What about Yoga to reduce anxiety and implementing Yoga to relax mind, stress and experience? Yoga can be done with direct effect and meaning while you are at home! Your ability to control and incorporate the most benefits of practice into your life for noticeable personal growth— with a sense of balance is profound.

With active practices in compassion, acceptance and understanding of self, a comprehensive yoga practice creates a foundation and conditions that cause calm, focus, direction, the biggest reason practical yoga works is because it requires that you use it to pay more attention to YOU. 

Can yoga transform your body? Yes, it can, but more importantly it does so, from the inside out.

If you ever thought that life might be easier IF only there were a simple manual, or a guide to follow—
there actually is. And though it is based in yoga philosophy, it doesn’t have to be complex.

There are many branches of yoga. I love the 8 limb yoga practice because it keeps things simple and attainable. So, when students ask, "What are the eight limbs of yoga?", "What is the purpose of yoga?"  and want to understand "How to improve in yoga?"— I share this list and outline as one answer to each of those questions that also marks the true benefits of doing yoga everyday. 

  1. Play as a group in COMMUNITY

  2. Focus on YOU + build SELF-AWARENESS

  3. Practice Yoga + PHYSICAL EXPRESSION

  4. Release stress through BREATH PRACTICE

  5. Heal your stress with INWARD FOCUS

  6. Develop ways for better CONCENTRATION

  7. Expand your idea of MEDITATION

  8. Discover a road map to PEACE + BALANCE

If you're wondering how yoga changes your body, begin by organizing yourself beyond the stresses in life, and the trappings of limiting your yoga practice to the purely physical.
Free your mind and reset your life practice. You will thank you.

Teri Gandy-Richardson