My work and intention is helping students use the components of yoga to navigate life’s struggles, while embracing their humanness on all levels. 

Once questioning my health, purpose, mental capacity and stamina— I learned how to practice yoga beyond physical benefit for longevity, calm and emotional self-care.

My lens is a creative one that shares my experience and stories to help you inspire yourself, realize when to do yoga, and begin a deeper look into acknowledging, and finding great value in your own efforts.


  • Because you deserve that— Realize that you are enough, and how to implement a system of yoga to remind you that what you bring to the table, has incredible value.

  • Nearly 2 decades into my yoga practice, there are absolute ideals now held high on my list of important parts of yoga, yoga lessons and life practices that strategically apply far off your yoga mat.

If you identify yoga practice with crazy yoga poses, realize that while I consider them fun and worth exploring— fancy poses do not signify an advanced practice.


  • Because even without an overt emphasis on poses, yoga is a full life practice with 8 distinctive parts to it. As a life practice, the 8 elements of this sustainable and practical practice are organized so that you can access, and attain them no matter how your life changes over time— and with age.

  • You can better navigate the highs and lows of your life. With logical steps my life was made much easier than it would have been had I not had, or implemented effective tools when my life was in major stress, and distress. 

  • In good times, and in challenging ones, aligning one’s body, heart and mindset is the work that will always make the difference.

The strategic application of a traditional yoga practice, will help you to be happier, have more energy, feel better and stronger in your body— while advancing your life for the long haul. This is the scope of the work I’m perusing more, as I continue to pivot past the close of my brick and mortar Park Slope Yoga Brooklyn, (ps yoga studio).


  •  When each part of the practice is known, you can develop a deeper understanding, ease and clarity about the requirements and purpose for yoga lessons, overall.

  • When fully aware— this knowledge will reduce your anxiety about what to do in order to advance your practice, or achieve balance— which will also increase your benefit.

  • When following the simple philosophical outline, the 8Limbs Yoga philosophy inspired, supported and saved my sanity. With it’s clarity, this life practice offers comfort and release where whether on, or off your mat— you’re not having to guess what practice is, how to advance, or where to direct your attention to facilitate care.

With all of this, I’m pleased and grateful to realize how those yoga lessons remain cemented in me as the life practice that I will never forget, always cherish and as a yoga mentor, look forward to sharing them with you.

Look out for more from me on yoga lessons and life practice.

Teri Gandy-Richardson